Accessing Your Account

Instructions on signing into an account and sign out of an account.

Supported Devices

Book This is intended to work on all modern web browsers, and on all modern desktop / tablet / mobile devices. If you are having trouble with a particular browser, we recommend the most recent versions of the following browsers:

  • Chrome

  • Firefox

  • MacOS Safari

  • iOS Safari

  • Edge

If you encounter an unexpected error in a browser or on a device where you would expect support, please contact us at

Some parts of Book This will look odd on a mobile device. These UI issues will be corrected over time. They are occurring because Book This is currently in alpha testing.

Sign In

Once you have created an account, you can log in at If you have signed into an account, you will be able to access your account at

Sign Out

If you are signed into an account, you will see a sign out link in the top right of all screens on Pressing the sign out link will end your session, and unauthenticate you.

Last updated